How To Design A Better Mobile Checkout Process

Smashing Magazine
A record number of shoppers are turning to their smartphones to research potential purchases. Meanwhile, the bigger question — are those same users willing to complete the purchases on their mobile device? — is quickly being answered. The US, for example, saw an 81% spike in mobile e-commerce (m-commerce) sales in 2012, comprising a $25 billion market.

It’s not just apps. By a landslide, users prefer mobile websites to apps for shopping. For every shopping activity, including researching products and prices, reviewing products, participating in promotions, and purchasing, most respondents (61 to 81%) preferred using a browser to a native app.

In the days and months to come, it will become increasingly important for retailers to fuel this growth by creating seamless, user-friendly checkout processes that inspire trust and that make full use of all of the advantages the medium has to offer.

Let’s dive into some examples of mobile checkout processes and see what we can learn.

1. Include Only Vital Fields

We’ve all answered those dreaded questions, such as “How did you hear about us?” While they may serve the vendor, they do nothing for the buyer, who is offering up their hard-earned cash and deserves to call the shots here.

While these questions are annoying on a desktop, they can be fatal in mobile…

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